Because hand sanitizer is crucial to have in your bag or car nowadays, we've got you covered to help stay safe. IC Fantasia now offers its own hand sanitizer to offer some extra protection while traveling, shopping, and much more.
The micro mist spray allows for easy and convenient use in large coverage areas. Also sprayable onto your hands with a fragrance-free and natural formula.
It's made with 80% alcohol which exceeds CDC guidelines. The CDC and WHO recommend Hydrogen Peroxide to be used as part of the formula as well.
Here's a list of additional application recommendations:
•Computer Keyboards
• Shopping Carts
• Door Handles
• Steering Wheels
• Airplane Travel
• Remote Controls
• Gym equipment & many other uses!
Also available in an 8oz and 16oz pump. Team Fantasia is here to help with any further questions you may have about this product and its uses.
Stay safe and stay healthy. <3