Think you're allergic to gluten? Check your shampoo

Think you're allergic to gluten? Check your shampoo



Over 15 million Americans have food allergies, and gluten-free options are becoming more and more available at grocery stores.


You're careful about the foods you eat, but why not the products you use? Your skin is your biggest organ and anything it comes in contact with can be absorbed into the bloodstream. For those that are suffering from gluten intolerance but still seem to have skin reactions, especially on the scalp, shampoo and conditioner regimens might be to blame.


Going gluten-free for some is not just due to food sensitivity but a lifestyle choice. The rise in veganism and dairy-free lifestyles contribute to an overall wellness goal for those aiming to be healthier both inside and out.


Have you tried gluten free shampoo?


Our Curly & Coily line is gluten-free — check out the latest tutorial below by NaturallyCurly.


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